Let's make the world big again
Founder of Biosfera as a knowledge collective for sustainable, bio-based, circular and creative economies, industries and societies.
Social engineer, specialized in the conversion of concepts and proposals into real-world projects.
Global reference in IoT, AI, Blockchain, Embedded Systems and Monitoring & Management Platofrms. Based In Brazil.
Water & Soil Remediation Expert, New Biobased Value Chains based on waste-to-value and circular economy templates. Based in Kolkotta, India
Strategist on Smart Ecosystem Engineering, experienced in architecture, urban design, sustainability and technological innovation.
Social engineer, specialized in the conversion of concepts and proposals into real-world projects. Based in the Netherlands
Project manager and business developer of Forest Farms.
Senior consultant on soil chemistry and circular economy related to soil regeneration preservation. Based in Austria, India and Sri-Lanka.
Senior energy transition consultant. Based in Mexico, also works for the government and GIZ.
IT Architecture and Settlement Plarform Specialist. Based in Spain.
Communication and Networking.
Based in Brazil.
Consultant on Smart City Design & Urban Agriculture.
Waste, Wastewater and Soil Management. Based in Italy.
Senior consultant on all water related issues, reducing water usage based on circular economy approaches.
Implementation and Operations. Based in India.